Zhang Yueran 张悦然

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Zhang Yueran was born in 1982 the city of Jinan, Shandong Province. She began writing at the age of 14, and as a high school student, won first prize in the nationwide New Concept Composition Competition. After studying English and law at Shandong University, she completed a graduate degree in computer science at National University of Singapore. Zhang Yueran is regarded as one of China's most influential young writers. She has published two short story collections: Sunflower Missing In 1890 (2003) and Ten Loves (2004), and three novels: Distant Cherry (2004), Narcissus (2005) and The Promise Bird (2006), which was named the Best Saga Novel 2006. Her other awards include the Chinese Press Most Promising New Talent Award (2005), the Spring Literature Prize (2006). and the "MAO-TAI Cup" People's Literature Prize (2008). In 2012, she was named by Unitas magazine as one of the top 20 writers under 40. She has been the chief editor of Newriting since 2008 and holds a PhD in Ancient Chinese Literature from Renmin University.
A Thousand and One Nights, tr. Anna Holmwood Pathlight: New Chinese Writing 1 (2012)
See Asymptote's Sinophone "20 Under 40"
Zhang Yueran is the featured author in READ PAPER REPUBLIC, week 4, 9 July 2015.
Read Now: On Paper Republic
Binary | tr. Jeremy Tiang | July 09, 2015 |
Original Works
Short story (14)
- Guai Ayi (怪阿姨)
- Tiaowu de renmen dou yi changmian shanxia (跳舞的人们都已长眠山下)
- Shuqin, baigujing (竖琴,白骨精)
- Jinuo de tiaoma (吉诺的跳马)
- Erjingzhi (二进制)
- Xiaoran (小染)
- Chuan (船)
- Bizishang de zhennihua (鼻子上的珍妮花)
- Zhouruoye fangjian (昼若夜房间)
- Sushuicheng de guishi (宿水城的鬼事)
- Shei shasile wuyue (谁杀死了五月)
- Shi Ai (十爱 )
- Zang yu (脏雨)
- Yijian Bu Shuyu Ziji de Fangjian (一间不属于自己的房间)
Novel (2)
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