A Yi 阿乙

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Born in 1976, A Yi (real name Ai Guozhu) worked as a police officer, secretary and editor before settling down at the age of 32 to the fiction he always knew he would write. After a brief stint on the editorial board of Chutzpah, a now-defunct but once highly-influential literary magazine featuring work by younger and edgier writers (like A Yi himself), he moved to the Xiron publishing company, where he is an editor of the the "Iron Gourd" literary-fiction imprint. Though highly esteemed by a select group of readers and writers (Li Jingze, former head editor of People's Literature Magazine regularly praises him publicly), A Yi's reputation has been slower to spread to a wider reading public (and, given the darkness of his subject matter, it might not).
A Yi has produced many collections of short stories as well as longer work. Two full-length novels have appeared in English:
Wake Me Up at Nine in the Morning (Oneworld, 2022, translated by Nicky Harman), of which New Internationalist said, 'It’s tempting to view the book as A Yi’s unflinching take on a moral vacuum at the heart of contemporary China, but he is also lowering his bucket into a much deeper well of delicious literary misanthropy.'
A Perfect Crime, Oneworld, 2015, translated by Anna Holmwood. The Wall Street Journal said, ‘Tightly crafted…less a traditional catch-him-if-you-can crime caper and more a psychological probe into a pathological mind.’
An English translation of his story "The Curse" can be read here.
A Yi is represented by Peony Literary Agency.
See Asymptote's Sinophone "20 Under 40"
Photo by Matthew Niederhauser.
A Yi is the featured author in READ PAPER REPUBLIC, week 1, 18 June 2015.
Read Now: On Paper Republic
A Message Held to the Flame | tr. Dylan Levi King | April 23, 2020 |
Who's Speaking Please? | tr. Michelle Deeter | June 18, 2015 |
Read Now: Around the Web
The Younger Cousin | tr. Ana Padilla Fornieles | Spittoon Literary Magazine |
Petty Thief | tr. Alice Xin Liu | Granta |
The Curse | tr. Julia Lovell | The Guardian |
Original Works
Short story (48)
- Niao Kanjian Wo le (鸟看见我了)
- Renzha (人渣)
- Gelou (阁楼)
- Fei Ya (肥鸭)
- Hu Lang (虎狼)
- Biaomei (表妹)
- Xianzhi (先知)
- Pinji zhi Di (贫瘠之地)
- Zai Liufang Di (在流放地)
- Nin hao (您好)
- Yang Cun de Yize Zuzhou (杨村的一则诅咒)
- Liang Sheng (两生)
- Jiduan Nianyue (极端年月)
- Yijian Meiyou Zhenpo de Anzi (一件没有侦破的案子)
- Didiwei (敌敌畏)
- Xiaomaibu Daxia (小卖部大侠)
- Guoji Yingxiang (国际影响)
- Mianzi (面子)
- Nannü Guanxi (男女关系)
- San Dao Shi Miao (三到十秒)
- Xiawu Chuxian de Mogui (下午出现的魔鬼)
- Hei'an (黑暗)
- Yijiubaba Nian he Yiliang Xiongshi Motuo (一九八八年和一辆雄狮摩托)
- Bisheng zhi Shi (毕生之始)
- Yijiubasan Nian (一九八三年)
- Huanghun Women Chi Hongshu (黄昏我们吃红薯)
- Adidasi (阿迪达斯)
- Zisha zhi Lü (自杀之旅)
- Zangli Zhaochang Juxing (葬礼照常举行)
- Liangshi Wenti (粮食问题)
- Dou Shi Yinwei Xiale Yu (都是因为下了雨)
- Zai Wei (再味)
- Baifenzhi Wushi (百分之五十)
- Huxian (狐仙)
- Chuntian (春天)
- Wubaiwan Hanzi (五百万汉字)
- Hudie Xiaoying Juzhu (蝴蝶效应巨著)
- Shijie (世界)
- Mingchao he Erishiyi Shijie (明朝和二十一世纪)
- Baqian li Lu Yun he Yue (八千里路云和月)
- Xiayuan Cun de Tonghua (下沅村的童话)
- Yiwai Sharen Shijian (意外杀人事件)
- Xiaoren (小人)
- Yinshi (隐士)
- Bahe (巴赫)
- Feicui Yizi (翡翠椅子)
- Huoxing (火星)
- Qingrenjie Baozha An (情人节爆炸案)
Novel (3)
Essay (2)
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