By the River: Seven Contemporary Chinese Novellas

By the River: Seven Contemporary Chinese Novellas (

University of Oklahoma Press, (US)

Nov. 2016

By multiple authors and multiple translators


Beloved Tree tr. Charles Laughlin from 心爱的树 by Jiang Yun
Voice Change tr. Charles Laughlin from 苍声 by Xu Zechen
Mountain Songs from the Heavens tr. Lucas Klein from 山歌天上来 by Han Shaogong
A Flurry of Blessings tr. Eleanor Goodman from 福翩翩 by Chi Zijian
Love and its Lack are Emblazoned on the Heart Forever tr. Eleanor Goodman from 有爱无爱都是铭心刻骨 by Fang Fang
Safety Bulletin tr. Charles Laughlin from 安全简报 by Li Tie
The Sanctimonious Cobbler tr. Andrea Lingenfelter from 骄傲的皮匠 by Wang Anyi