
Short story by Alat Asem.


Sidik Golden Moboff

Translated by Bruce Humes

Short story in Chinese (斯迪克金子关机) by bilingual Uyghur author Alat Asem (阿拉提·阿斯木). Like much of this author's writing, this tale immerses us in a Uyghur world where Han just don’t figure; his hallmarks are womanizers, insulting monikers and a hybrid Chinese with an odd but appealing Turkic flavor.

Published in English in Chutzpah! Issue 14. Click here for an excerpt.


Sidik Golden Moboff Peregrine - An English Companion to Chutzpah! Magazine June 2013 Mainland China

Original Publications:

斯迪克金子关机 Chutzpah! 2012, December (Mainland China)

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