Zheng Xiaoqiong 郑小琼

baidu |
Zheng Xiaoqiong (b. 1980, Nanchong) worked for six months in a rural hospital after graduating from nursing school, and then moved to Dongguan to work in a die-mould factory. She soon moved to a toy factory and a magnetic tape factory, before becoming a warehouse manager. She then worked as a hole-punch operator in a hardware factory for five years. Her poetry collections include Huangma Mountains, Collected Poems of Zheng Xiaoqiong, Pedestrian Bridge, and Poems Falling on Machines.
Bio from Giramondo Publishing.
Read Now: On Paper Republic
Three Poems by Zheng Xiaoqiong | tr. Eleanor Goodman | August 04, 2022 |
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Child Labour, Liangshan | tr. Yu Yan Chen | Literary Shanghai |
Iron | tr. Isabelle Li | Sydney Review of Books |
Assembly Line | tr. Yu Yan Chen | Literary Shanghai |
The Distance | tr. Yu Yan Chen | Literary Shanghai |
Original Works
Poem (7)
Essay (1)
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