Xue Yiwei 薛忆沩

Xue Yiwei is from Changsha, Hunan province. He studied computer engineering at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and has since earned a master’s degree in English and American literature from Université de Montréal and a doctorate in linguistics from the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. From 1996 to 2002, he taught at the Shenzhen University Liberal Arts College, and from 2006 to 2007, he wrote book columns for Southern Weekly and Essays. From 2009 to 2010, he resided at the City University of Hong Kong as a visiting scholar. In 1991 he received the United Daily News Literature Award. His published works include the novels Abandonment and Dr. Bethune’s Children; the story collections A Floating Room, The Last Path to Heaven, and A Dolphin Unwilling to Leave; and the essay collections Literature’s Homeland, Duplicate of a Generation, and Traveling with Marco Polo.
Original Works
Short story (25)
- Fuqin (父亲)
- Lao bing (老兵)
- Yi duan bei xugou yangai de jia shi (一段被虚构掩盖的家史)
- Shangdi Xuanzhong de Sheyingshi (上帝选中的摄影师)
- You Ren Jiang Si (有人将死)
- Rubaise de Yanguang (乳白色的阳光)
- Gonggong Zaotang (公共澡堂)
- Nawei Zuohou Dao Hui de Daobiao (那位最后到会的代表)
- Shouqiang (手枪)
- Zoujin Aidingbao de Huanghun (走进爱丁堡的黄昏)
- Yijing Cong Nachang Emeng Zhong Jingxing (已经从那场恶梦中惊醒)
- Shenzhen de Yinmou (“深圳的阴谋”)
- Liangge Ren de Chezhan (两个人的车站)
- Wuguan Jinyao de Dongxi (无关紧要的东西)
- Liudong de Fangjian (流动的房间)
- Women Zuizhong de Xuanze (我们最终的选择)
- Ni Kending Tingbudong de Gushi (“你肯定听不懂的故事”)
- Chuzuche Siji (出租车司机)
- Cungu (村姑)
- Xiaofan (小贩)
- Wuli Laoshi (物理老师)
- Juzuojia (剧作家)
- Liang Meimei (两妹妹)
- Shentong (神童)
- Muqin (母亲)
Novel (1)
All Translations
Short story (1)
- Old Soldier (with Birgit Linder)
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