Contemporary Novella Collection is Out

By Charles Laughlin, published

By the River: Seven Contemporary Chinese Novellas is now available from Oklahoma University Press. Co-edited by Charles A. Laughlin, Liu Hongtao and Jonathan Stalling, this is the first collection to present novellas by multiple contemporary authors, and includes an introductory essay on the novella in China by Laughlin with Liu Hongtao. The stories are Jiang Yun's "The Beloved Tree" (蒋韵,《心爱的树》, Laughlin), Xu Zechen's "Voice Change" (徐则臣,《苍声》,Laughlin), Han Shaogong's "Mountain Songs from the Heavens" (韩少功,《山歌天上来》,Lucas Klein), Chi Zijian's "A Flurry of Blessings" (迟子建,《福翩翩》,Eleanor Goodman), Fang Fang's "Love and its Lack are Emblazoned on the Heart" (方方,《有爱无爱都是铭心刻骨》,Goodman), Li Tie's "Safety Bulletin" (李铁,《安全简报》,Laughlin), and Wang Anyi's "The Sanctimonious Cobbler" (王安忆,《骄傲的皮匠》,Andrea Lingenfelter). More details are available in the listing.


# 1.   

Thanks, Charles! I've added the publication to the database.

Eric Abrahamsen, November 22, 2016, 1:08a.m.


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