Roses and Thorns: The Second Blooming of the Hundred Flowers in Chinese Fiction, 1979-1980

Roses and Thorns: The Second Blooming of the Hundred Flowers in Chinese Fiction, 1979-1980

University of California Press, Berkeley, (US)

Dec. 1984

By multiple authors and multiple translators


Eye of the Night tr. Donald A Gibbs from 夜的眼 by Wang Meng
Nest Egg tr. Donald A Gibbs from [Nest Egg] by Wang Zhecheng and Wen Xiaoyu
The Good Luck Bun tr. Donald A Gibbs from [The Good Luck Bun] by Liu Qingbang
The Transcript tr. Howard Goldblatt from 记录 by Lin Jinlan
Three Professors tr. John Berninghausen from 三个教授 by Cao Guanlong
Anticipation tr. Billy Bikales from [Anticipation] by Dai Qing
On the Other Side of the Stream tr. Charles W Hayford from 在小河那边 by Kong Jiesheng
Annals of a Fossil tr. Graham E Fuller from [Annals of a Fossil] by Huang Qingyun
The Gap tr. unknown from [The Gap] by Lao Hong
Reencounter tr. unknown from 重逢 by Jin He
Love Must tr. unknown from [Love Must] by unknown
At Middle Age tr. Margaret Decker from 人到中年 by Chen Rong