Ma Jian 马建

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A semi-exiled writer, now living in London, most famous for his travelogue Red Dust and the novel The Noodle Maker. There's quite a good Guardian interview with him here, from 2004.
Read Now: Around the Web
The Abandoner | tr. Flora Drew | The New Yorker |
Book Publications
Original Works
Short story (9)
- [Let the Mirror be the Judge or Naked] ([Let the Mirror be the Judge or Naked])
- [The Abandoner or The Abandoned] ([The Abandoner or The Abandoned])
- [The Carefree Hound or The Witness] ([The Carefree Hound or The Witness])
- [The Professional Writer] ([The Professional Writer])
- [The Professional Blood Donor] ([The Professional Blood Donor])
- [The Swooner] ([The Swooner])
- [The Suicide or The Actress] ([The Suicide or The Actress])
- [The Possessor or The Possessed] ([The Possessor or The Possessed])
- [The Street Writer or The Plastic Bag in the Air] ([The Street Writer or The Plastic Bag in the Air])
Novel (3)
Non-fiction (1)
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