Xu Xi - interview in the LA Review of Books


Bugs Bunny, the Novel, and Transnationalism - Ysabelle Cheung interviews Xu Xi in the LA Review of Books


# 1.   

love this other article by 黄维樑 from iFeng "一言难尽乔志高)"

志高先生年前回答记者如何评价自己时,自评为“in the forefront of the second rank(在二级作家中名列前茅)”其志如乔木之高的乔公,他谦逊平理若衡”?他向来没有写雅俗共赏的新诗、小说或抒情散文,作品长销而不畅销,有知音而没有粉丝或很少粉丝,在将来的文学史中不可能占大席位,甚至缺席。不过,不管如何,不管一级二级或者三级,在纪念胡适、狄更斯、杜甫之际,各地美语新诠的读者,应该不会忘记其作者乔公。

I'd be happy as the forefront of the next to the last rank ! hehe...

Thanks for introducing Xu Xi. I landed on her site:


susan, September 7, 2016, 11:19p.m.

# 2.   

So I was using Google trying to get to read the full text of Xu Xi 'Why I stopped being Chinese' ... next to my result-set, is another article floating right beneath her article: "China never really stopped being a copycat..." I find that uncanny and funny.


Her fate as a great Chinese writer and a great English writer is at its peak. I'd say.... but life isn't all about writing, nor retreat to write with equal-mind, right?

susan, September 8, 2016, 10:55a.m.


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