“The Mongol Would-be Self-Immolator”:An excerpt from “Mongolia,” a novel by Guo Xuebo


Set in China’s 21st-century Inner Mongolia, the novel is a semi-autobiographical tale by Guo Xuebo (郭雪波), a Mongol who grew up speaking the language of his people. It comprises three distinct but intertwined narratives: A spiritual journey, in which the narrator — ostensibly the author — seeks his Shamanic roots, long obscured in post-1949, officially atheist China; vignettes from the Mongolian adventures of Henning Haslund-Christensen, born to a Danish missionary family in the Chahar grasslands in 1896, and real-life author of the anthropological masterpiece Men and Gods in Mongolia; and the tribulations of Teelee Yesu, a modern-day fictional Mongol herdsman, considered by many to be the village idiot, whose very survival is threatened by desertification and the machinations of a coal mining company that covets the traditional pastures of the Mongols.

This excerpt from Mongolia (蒙古里亚) treats comically two taboo topics almost never mentioned in Chinese news reports or fiction: The exploitation of traditional Mongolian pasture lands by ruthless coal mining firms, and the use of self-immolation by China’s ethnic minorities to protest government policies aimed at acculturation.


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nationalistic circle is shrinking perhaps, to psycho-linguistic one-for-all and all-for-naught ...

susan, September 28, 2017, 3:43p.m.

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"姜戎,生于1946年,北京人。北京某大学研究人员。主业为政治经济学,偏重政治学方面。 作者1967年自愿赴内蒙古额仑草原插队。1978年返城。1979年考入社科院研究生院。 其作品《狼图腾》1971年起腹稿于内蒙古锡盟东乌珠穆沁草原。1997年初稿于北京。2003年岁末定稿于北京。20044月出版。 目录 · · · · · · 编者荐言 我们是龙的传人还是狼的传人正文 理性探掘――关于狼图腾的讲座与对话

haha... 猴孙 不造反乐

susan, September 28, 2017, 3:52p.m.

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5 books worth taking notes from Kazakhstan - a new country full of old Northern tribal folks ?

susan, September 28, 2017, 7:04p.m.


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