Co-translating a Chinese novel - an attempt at meaningful cultural dialogue

Jun Liu talks about co-translating with Bruce Humes - "Confessions of a Jade Lord" (时间悄悄的嘴脸), by Uyghur author Alat Asem (阿拉提·阿斯木), depicting the life of a big-shot jade trader based in Xinjiang, Northwest China.


# 1.   

congratulation! reminds me to find a good partner for translating English fiction -> Chinese. I think there is an imbalance there, although many Chinese CAN read English but their own selection needs to be enlightened.

susan, August 28, 2017, 3:31p.m.

# 2.   

鸭子过去鹅过去,” As Lumber Haji put it, if you let a flock of ducks waddle by, why can’t a goose tag along? -

"hopscotch" ->

lost in hops, 哪跟哪儿? back to square one...

susan, August 28, 2017, 4:13p.m.

# 3.

susan, August 28, 2017, 4:31p.m.

# 4.   

From the extacts I've read so far, I have the intuition that this will be a landmark in translating non Han fiction. I can't think of anybody who could do render the original so vividly in French. Congratulations !!

Brigitte Duzan, August 30, 2017, 7:12a.m.

# 5.   

Thank you, Susan and Brigitte for your encouragement. Here's the full article with more details of our cotranslation if you are interested:

Jun Liu, August 30, 2017, 11:27p.m.


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