Chi Zijian's "Last Quarter of the Moon": Arabic Version Underway
Ahmed al-Saeed, CEO of Cairo-based Wisdom House Culture and Media Group, says his company is currently translating Chi Zijian's 《额尔古纳河右岸》into Arabic.
Narrated in the first person by the aged wife of the last chieftain of an Evenki clan, Last Quarter of the Moon (额尔古纳河右岸) is a moving tale of the 20th-century decline of reindeer-herding nomads in the sparsely populated, richly forested mountains that border on Russia.
The novel has already appeared in Dutch (Het laatste kwartier van de maan); English (Last Quarter of the Moon); French (Le dernier quartier de lune); Italian (Ultimo quarto di Luna); Japanese (アルグン川の右岸) ; Korean (《어얼구나 강의 오른쪽》); Spanish (A la orilla derecha del Río Argún) and Swedish (På floden Arguns södra strand).
Thanks to Chinese-to-Arabic translator Ms. Yara El Masri, I have learned that the Arabic version of Chi Zijian's novel has actually already been published -- so much for the accuracy and timeliness of Xinhua's English reportage!
You can see the cover here:
If you'd like to see covers of other editions, or click through to them, pls visit:
Bruce Humes, September 18, 2019, 11:38a.m.