Shi Kang 石康

Shi Kang was born in 1968. He studied computer science at Beijing Union University and took a masters degree in the economics of technology at Harbin Institute of Technology. He wrote his first novel ‘Loafing Around’ (晃晃悠悠 Huanghuang youyou) in 1995. Since then he has written novels, short stories, essays and film scripts, becoming one of the best-selling writers in China (in 2009 he was ninth of the list of China’s richest writers). His best known work, ‘Struggle’ (奋斗 Fendou), is about the post-1980s generation and was been adapted into a popular TV series. He also wrote the script for the comedy film ‘Big Shot's Funeral’ (大腕 Dawan), directed by Feng Xiaogang in 2001.
In 2011 the millionaire Shi Kang made a road trip across the USA, and has since spoken of his plans to move to the US for a better life. See Plan B for China’s Wealthy: Moving to the U.S., Europe, The Wall Street Journal, 22 Feb 2012, with Angela Yeoh’s video featuring Shi Kang
Shi Kang is the featured author in READ PAPER REPUBLIC, week 31, 14 January 2016.
Shi Kang’s blog
More on Shi Kang
Major works by Shi Kang
《晃晃悠悠》 (1998)
《支离破碎》 (1999)
《一塌糊涂》 (2001)
《在一起》 (2001)
《激情与迷茫》 (2002)
《心碎你好》 (2003)
《奋斗》 (2007)
《奋斗乌托邦》 (2009)
Collections of short stories
《过山车》 (2009)
Collections of Essays:
《鸡一嘴鸭一嘴》 (2002)
《北京姑娘》 (2004)
《那些不值钱的经验》 (2007)
《口吐莲花》 (2008)
《打捞闪烁时间》 (2008)
《愤怒与柔情》 (2009)
Read Now: On Paper Republic
Sunshine in Winter | tr. Michelle Deeter, Killiana Liu, Juliet Vine and Helen Wang | January 14, 2016 |
Original Works
Short story (1)
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