Li Hongwei 李宏伟

MCLC | baidu | Chinese Short Stories |
Li Hongwei is originally from Sichuan and now lives in Beijing. His works include the poetry collections 《有关可能生活的十种想象》 and 《你是我所有的女性称谓》, the novels 《平行蚀》《国王与抒情诗》《灰衣简史》 and 《引路人》, the story collections 《假时间聚会》《暗经验》 and 《雨果的迷宫》, and 《深夜里交换秘密的人》, a collection of interviews. He has won the Yu Dafu Award for Fiction, the Wu Cheng’en Novel Award, and the October Literary Award, and his work has appeared on the Harvest “Best Literature of the Year” and Asia Weekly “Ten Best Novels” lists, among other honors.
Original Works
Poem (4)
Short story (2)
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