Ed Allen 安达


Translating Lu Nei's upcoming novel 《雾行者》 Mistwalkers.

Translated Lu Nei 《追随她的旅程》Chasing Girls and 《十七岁的轻骑兵》Seventeen-Year-Old Bike Rider Army

Translated works by Zhou Jianing 《轻轻喘出一口气》I Sighed, Gently and 《那儿,那儿》There, there ; late life poems by Cao Yu. All available on Literary Shanghai website

Pursuing a career in Chinese archaeology long-term. Has translated and is looking for publishers for 《中国考古学新石器时代卷》 Chinese Archaeology: Neolithic, with planned updated annotations.

Interested in Gong Zizhen 龚自珍.


All Translations

Short story (13)

Novel (1)

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