Zuo You (1988 – ) 左右

Zuo You is a handicapped poet based in Xi’an, China. He has published nineteen books including six full-length poetry collections in China, e.g., Kismet and Subway. His poems have been translated into various languages and appeared in some major literary magazines in the US, Canada, the UK, Japan and Korea, such as The Paris Review, The Malahat Review, and Modern Poetry in Translation. In China, he is also the winner of several major literary awards, such as The Fourth Liu Qing Literary Award. Suffering from hearing impairment, he speaks only a few simple words. He has been honored “Good Person” by Shaanxi Provincial Government several times and has taught poetry writing and Chinese to 100,000+ students. A set of poems by him titled “Deaf Person” which is translated by Chen Du and Xisheng Chen was shortlisted by Ugly Duckling Presse in its 2021 First Translation selection.
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At Home | tr. Xisheng Chen and Chen Du | June 20, 2024 |
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