Tian He 田禾

Born in the 1960s in the Hubei city of Daye, Tian He started writing poetry in 1982. He has published eleven collections of poetry, including A Gentle Pouring Out, Express and Cherish, Home in the Bamboo Forest, Windy Pass, Village Cry, Wild Sunflowers, and On the Road Home. He has won the 4th Lu Xun Literature Prize, Poetry Periodical’s 3rd Young Chinese Poet Award, the Chinese Poetry Association’s 1st Xu Zhimo Poetry Prize, the October Poetry Prize, and the Hubei Literature Prize. He is currently a full-time writer at the Hubei Writers’ Association and deputy dean of the association’s School of Literature. His works have been translated into many languages, and sets of his poems have been published in magazines in the US and in Korea.