Da Tou Ma 大头马

Da Tou Ma 大头马 (pen name of Wang Yixin 王亦馨) was born in 1989 in Hefei, Anhui Province. She has published the short story collections 《不畅销小说写作指南》 (How to Write a Worstseller),《九故事》 (Nine Stories), and 《谋杀电视机》 (Murdering the Television), which was turned into a play of the same name performed at the People’s Art Theatre in 2016. Her work can be found in literary journals including Harvest, Selected Novels, Huacheng, and October. In 2024, her novel 《国王的游戏》 (The King's Game) was shortlisted for the Blancpain-Imaginist Literary Award.

See her 2018 feature in Neocha.


Original Works

Short story (2)

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