Nicholas Trites


Nicholas Trites is a run-of-the-mill, overly talkative, average-by-all-metrics Minnesotan male, with a difference - a deep, existential intolerance of bad writing. After 5 years translating for any and all comers, he ended up the guy in "I know a guy" at Enlight Films, Shandong Film Studio, Modern Advertising magazine, an astounding slough of internet startups, and other organizations who need to know their English output is handled. He is happiest when placed in direct sunlight and given films to work his magic upon, and has carried more than a few major productions from inception to distribution. Ongoing projects in 2012 include 不二神探 (still working on an English title), and sequels to The Four.

The synopses, pitches, trailers, intros, festival submissions, and other various bits and pieces from the film world take up far more of his resume than anyone should be forced to read through. It starts to look like the phone book after awhile. Film features where he has been responsible for subtitling, script translation, or everything outright (package contracts including promotional and occasional on-set interpreting), are:

  • Lost In Thailand/泰囧
  • The Four/四大名捕
  • The Assassins/铜雀台
  • An End to Killing/止杀
  • A Sad Fairy Tale/伤心童话
  • The First Time/第一次
  • The Lion Roars 2/河东狮吼II
  • Lee's Adventure/李献计历险记
  • Coming Back/回马枪
  • The Law of Attraction/万有引力
  • Kiss of the Dragon/龙的亲吻
  • Something About Kids/孩子那些事
  • The Sorcerer and the White Snake/新白蛇传
  • No-Man's Land/无人区
  • Confucius/孔子
  • Gasp/气喘吁吁
  • The Six Sisters of Yimengshan/沂蒙山六姐妹
  • Invisible Killer/无形杀
  • Ocean Paradise/海洋天堂
  • Knitting/牛郎织女

In addition to seeking future film projects, Nicholas Trites is seeking books and stories in need of English translation. He welcomes suggestions and offers.