Li Hongqi 李红旗

Li Hongqi, born in Shandong in 1976, graduated from the painting department of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1999. Part of the loosely associated group of Nanjing-based "Tamen" poets (他们, generally translated as "Them"), Li Hongqi is also a novelist and filmmaker. His film So Much Rice (China, 2005 / 84 minutes / Chinese with English subtitles) was screened at the Locarno, Pusan, Vancouver and Sao Paolo film festivals. A DVD version of the film has recently been glimpsed in several of Beijing's hipper bookstore-cafes. His first novel Xingyun'r (幸运儿, approximate translation: Lucky Bastard) was published in January of 2004 by 华夏出版社 (Huaxia Chubanshe/Cathay Press). In his book jacket blurb, Li Hongqi also hints that he has done a stint as a lead singer of a band...precisely which band, we have yet to ascertain.
Original Works
Novel (1)
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