People's Literature Publishing House


One of the oldest, largest publishing groups in the country.


There Will Be Breadmp.weixin.qq.comMiao WeiDavid HaysomJun 2018Online
MingChen Xiwon/aAug 2017Mainland China
白狐迪拉与月亮石multiple authorsn/aJan 2017Mainland China
老生Jia Pingwan/aOct 2014Mainland China
黑白阎连科Yan Lianken/aMar 2014Mainland China
古炉Jia Pingwan/aJan 2011Mainland China
白雪乌鸦Chi Zijiann/aAug 2010Mainland China
河岸Su Tongn/aApr 2009Mainland China
笨花Tie Ningn/aDec 2006Mainland China
无雨之城Tie Ningn/aDec 2006Mainland China
我的丁一之旅Shi Tieshengn/aJan 2006Mainland China
无雨之城Tie Ningn/aJan 2006Mainland China
福布斯咒语Wang Gangn/aMay 2005Mainland China
英格力士Wang Gangn/aSep 2004Mainland China
现在开始, 什么时候结束Lu Lin/aOct 2002Mainland China
花腔Li Ern/aJan 2002Mainland China

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