English Extract: "Confessions of a Xinjiang Jade Lord"


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Alat Asem's fiction is a Uyghur world set in Xinjiang where Han just don’t figure; his hallmarks are womanizers, insulting monikers and a hybrid Chinese with an odd but appealing Turkic flavor . . .

attached to: Alat Asem


# 1.   

Set in Xinjiang, this novel (full Chinese title: 时间悄悄的嘴脸,阿拉提·阿斯木 著作) was penned in Chinese by Alat Asem, a bilingual Uyghur writer. It won the Junma Literary Award for Ethnic Minority Writing (Novel) in 2016.

His acceptance speech was quite interesting, and I cite a portion of it here 《时间悄悄的嘴脸》获颁第十一届骏马奖:



Bruce Humes, April 5, 2017, 2:21p.m.

# 2.   

For a detailed introduction to Alat Asem's writing en français,see:


Bruce Humes, April 11, 2017, 3:23a.m.


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