Asymptote Translation Contest
Would you like to be in a magazine that has published new translations of Shen Congwen, Liao Yiwu, Xi Chuan and Yang Mu, presented a Sinophone "20 under 40," and interviewed Yiyun Li, Hsia Yü and, for the upcoming issue, Can Xue? Would you like your work seen and judged by our contributing editor Howard Goldblatt (fiction) and Bei Dao's current translator Eliot Weinberger (poetry)? Most importantly, is there an untranslated or little-translated writer that you are desperately, maddeningly determined to bring to the attention of the English-speaking world?
Then submit to "Close Approximations," Asymptote's first ever contest for emerging translators! Thanks to your generous support of our IndieGogo campaign, we can make it worth your while: the winner of each category will receive 1,000 USD, as well as the opportunity to publish with Asymptote.
So polish up that desk drawer full of worked-over and scribbled-on manuscripts. The deadline is September 1st, 2013.
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