Huo Da 霍达

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Huo Da (霍达), a member of the Hui ethnic minority, was born in Beijing in 1945. In addition to Funeral of a Muslim (穆斯林的葬礼) that won the prestigious Mao Dun Literary Prize in 1991, her novels Mending Heaven (补天裂) and Red Dust (红尘), and works of reportage Joy and Sorrow (万家忧乐) and Our Dead (国殇) have all won multiple major domestic literary prizes.

A prolific author of teleplays and screenplays, she is also very active in domestic and international women’s issues: She was a representative at the Fourth UN World Conference on Women, and is a member of the International Who’s Who of Women.

To read an English excerpt from Funeral of a Muslim, click here.


Original Works

Novel (1)

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