Yu Xiang 宇向

MCLC | baidu | douban |

A key figure of the post-70s Chinese poets, Yu Xiang was born in 1970 and began writing poetry in 2000. She has been actively involved in contemporary art, avant-garde literature and other activities. Some of her honors include the Rougang Poetry Prize (2002), the Yulong Poetry Prize (2006), and the Cultural China Annual Poetry Award (2007). Enigmatic and sensual, Yu Xiang’s writings are few but immensely popular. Her work includes a volume of poetry, Exhale (2006), a chapbook, Sorceress (2009), and the forthcoming collection, I Can Almost See the Clouds of Dust. She has also, as a visual artist, exhibited oil paintings at various venues. She currently lives in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong province.

Sunlight Shines Where It's Needed, My House, They, A Gust of Wind, Low Key, It Goes Without Saying, Holy Front, Street, tr. Fiona Sze-Lorrain; Pathlight: New Chinese Writing 1 (2011)


Original Works

Novel (1)

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